Please follow below step by step instructions to install Secure CRT on your device. In, this article we are going to use CRT + FX installation package. How To Setup and Install Secure CRT Portable on Windows? For a secure connection, you should connect a server supporting an SSH2 protocol.Either 32 or 64-bit versions are available.Enter measures with the software integrations and the file transfer system SecureFX® that share sessions and configurations for run-time password-free transmission of SFTP, FTP, SCP and FTP/TLS.An embedded TFTP server supports additional versatility in file sharing. A shift of SFTP, Xmodem, Ymodem, Zmodem or Kermit between network devices is supported.The script recorder generates your keystrokes into VBScript or Python. Automate routine tasks with VBScript, JScript, PerlScript or Python in Stable CRT.The open Secure Shell (SSH) protocol, the versatile authentication methods and the optional 140-2 FIPS-approved cypher depend on the logon/session data, the encryption protocol.